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Software: Credit Management Centre

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Did you know at least 60% of SMEs experience late customer payments. Are you one of them?

The Credit Management Centre in Opera 3 provides a centralised, easy-to-use tool which consolidates all of the information needed for effective credit control. Real-time graphs display your overall financial status so you can see what is owed, who owes it and how much money has been promised by customers.  This gives you all the information you need to improve cashflow, reduce bad debt, make timely business decisions and improve the overall financial position of your business.

"The Credit Management Centre within Opera 3 is really useful as it enables us not only to ensure that our 16 day credit terms are adhered to, but helps to manage relationships and ensure we’re continuously in touch with our customers. We can invoice at the click of a button and chase payments as appropriate knowing that the right documents are at hand."

Amanda Paddick, OMSCo

  • Reporting

    There are a range of reports available, which can be exported to Excel, to give you a clear overview of your financial position. View across your selected date range to see actions that have been marked for follow up, promised payments, total debt per customer and much more.

    Debt Recovery

    Create up to nine levels of debtor correspondence, such as debt recovery letter templates to chase late payments. 

  • Overview

    • Easy-to-understand dashboard views of the overall financial position of your company and customers.
    • Drill down behind key financial information, customer accounts, and transactions.
    • Powerful filters allow you to manage customers that are over their credit limit and/or have overdue invoices.
    • Create and organise customers into Credit Management Groups according to their Debt.
    • Define custom Action Types and Outcome Types to be used with diary actions for recording activities and follow ups.
    • Create and amend diary actions against individual customers or transactions, with an optional follow-up reminder via Notification Services.
    • Record and revise Promised Payments against individual transactions or at account level.
    • Integrates with the Opera 3 Sales Ledger with instant access to the Account view for historical information.
    • Easily put accounts on or off Stop, increase or decrease credit limits, and re-organise accounts into different Credit Management Groups individually or in bulk.
    • Dispute invoices and record the appropriate reason code.
    • Print Statements, Copy Invoices and produce debtors letters.
    • Keep on top of actions due for completion with the Diary view.
    • Additional Credit Management reports including: Promised Payments & Diary Activities that can also be exported directly to Excel.
    • Integrates with Pegasus Instant Messenger (PIM) and Pegasus XRL.
  • Credit Management Centre

    Manage your cash flow, reduce customer debt and improve the overall financial position of your business with Credit Management Centre. It provides a consolidated view of your business so you can quickly see what is owed, who owes it and when, with easy to understand, real-time graphs.

    Knowing who owes what and when they will pay is key to managing your customer debts. The Opera 3 Credit Management Centre is designed to improve your credit control processes which will help increase your cash flow, reduce bad debts and improve the financial position of your business. See it in action!

Downloads Available

Credit Management Datasheet